It's official - I'm a tote addict. I have tote bags EVERYWHERE, the trunk of my car, in my laundry room, hanging off the kitchen chairs, in my sewing room - everywhere. I have all kinds of totes too - freebies from conventions, ones I've made, ones people have given me - you all know the drill. There are more tote addicts out there than people are admitting to - you know who you are! I started to count them and then got lost in finding totes I'd forgotten I had. Plus the number was almost embarrassingly high, so we won't discuss that!

I designed this tote pattern (as if I didn't have enough

already) and put it in my store email last week. Judging by the number of patterns we sold this week, there are plenty of tote addicts to keep me company.
It's a great tote, big enough to carry what you need to, small enough to be folded up & put inside another tote - just in case you need it. I made a couple of them for samples - one out of Moda's machine quilted fabric and another out of the Save the Planet canvas.
Then I got to thinking . . . what else could I made this tote out of? I love the pattern - of course, I designed it with everything I wanted in a tote bag - an outside and an inside pocket, a key clasp so you don't have to dig for your keys, comfortable handles just the right length to carry by hand or over your shoulder and strength - I want to be able to put milk in it and not worry the milk is going to hit the ground.

So Monday I bought some fabric from a wholesaler - 120 yards worth, yikes! - and whipped up three samples. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I bought all that fabric, but I knew it would make great tote bags. It's technically outdoor fabric for cushions, etc. but why not tote bags too? You have to look at things differently sometimes or everything always looks the same!

I forced myself to stop sewing these and make the kits.
My name is Debbie and I'm a Tote Addict. Come on, count how many totes you have - I dare you!
PS - you can find the tote kits, fabrics and patterns on our website in the "Sew What's New" section at the bottom of the left hand menu.
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