I love fall, I really do. I love the colors - crisp reds, oranges, golds - I love the cooler temps, and the trees! How do those of you who can't watch the trees change colors mark the passing of the summer season? This is the time of the year I really miss New England. I don't miss the leaf peeper buses but I do miss that gorgeous spread of color across the hills. We have the trees changing here at the shore, but not the glorious abundance of it like home.
I love to decorate my house with gourds and pumpkins - what makes those minature pumpkins so addicting? All the different shapes & sizes. Same with the gourds - the freakier the shape and colors, the better I like them!
Fall also brings a busy season to quilt shop owners and sewing machine dealers. Life picks up the pace a notch and we hustle to keep ahead of it. Sewers and quilters are now thinking it's time to get ready for the holidays and make gifts, the hall table needs a new runner, my sister-in-law is hinting she'd like a new quilt - you know the drill. You're all thinking fall and I'm thinking Christmas!

So I'm decorating with pumpkins, gourds and fall table toppers. Jim is churning our homemade pies with the apples we've picked. The fall quilts have come out. The sewing room however, looks like Santa's workshop three days before Christmas! I think I need some elves! I have three table runners in various stages of progress strewn about the room. I'd show you pictures of my room but then I'd have to admit how messy it is . . . .
It's fall, the air is crisp and it's quilting time! Put the soup in the crockpot, fire up the bread maker and sew. It's that time of year and I'm glad. It's one of my favorites.
Till next time.