Needless to say, the arch is huge! This is me at the northern base.
Inside the hotel were all of these gorgeous
displays. I see a Crazy Quilt Halloween pillow in my future!

I immediately thought of our Judy when I saw this cookbook cover. It's from the Domestic Goddess Amazing Designs collection.
Simple funky pillows made an eye catching display with embroidery, couching & ruffles.
I love this fish quilt!
A close up of the new sergers. Push the lever from serging to threading, turn the hand wheel till it clicks, put the looper threads in the threading ports & push the button - all loopers thread at the same time!
Jim took a Jewel class and this was the view out the classroom window. I wouldn't have gotten anything done, I'd have been looking out the window at the people and the river the whole time. Talk about distracting!
A good time was had by all at Baby Lock Tech. Thank you to all of the staff at Tacony & Baby Lock for treating the dealers like kings and queens for our time there. It was hard to come home to no 10 am chocolate breaks & no 3pm ice cream breaks!
Watch the shop email as all the new products start to arrive!