Jim took this picture of us along the Oregon coast, notice Bob and I have on jackets and Karen is braving the weather without one . . .
She finally broke down and wore one the next day, of course it was so foggy and rainy along the coast in WA that day that we could hear the Pacific ocean but couldn't SEE it!

Quilt Market was a brain drain - so many colors and ideas and stimulation - your brain is exhausted from trying to process it all (and this is the time when you are doing major buying for the next 6 months or so!) and your feet are sore from walking about three football fields of vendor booths. I think there were at least 1,000 vendors with everyone from the major fabric companies to pattern designers with five or six patterns for sale.
This is Jim and Larry, one of our fabric reps, in the Timeless Treasures booth.
The quilts are samples done from the newest fabric lines. You sit in the chairs and the rep shows you all the latest and greatest from that company. This is one side of the booth, to the left is another row of tables and chairs and another wall of gorgeous quilt samples.

This is my friend Karen Montgomery's newest line for Timeless called Lindsey - named for her youngest daughter.
And this is part of the Crab Apple Hill Studio booth -
wait till you see our newest hand embroidery block of the month coming next fall!

I bought lots of patterns, ordered bunches of new books and alot of fabric that won't arrive until later this summer. Stay tuned to the shop and the website to see!
Until next time.