Having spent all of Tuesday on the computer doing the summer class schedule, I revolted & spent most of Thursday in my sewing room. Ok, ok, that meant I was up till 11pm - WAY past my bed time! - getting the email ready to send Friday morning but there's a price for everything.
I made this purse from Pink Sand Beach Designs.
And now I'll tell you the rest of the story . . .
About a month & a half ago, I brought home two projects to do - a big weekender bag from batiks and a purse to make from Krakow. Somehow, they just never got done & slowly got buried in my sewing room under more recent "stuff".
Note to family - tomorrow is my birthday & the butler I didn't get for Christmas would come in real handy now . . . .
So, I took this pattern home Wed night and thought I'd use the Krakow fabrics to make a sample for the store. I looked "everywhere" - no fabric. Did I bring it back to the shop? Was it buried in a pile I hadn't looked in yet? I found the pattern I was originally going to use with that fabric but finally gave up finding the Krakow and used the batiks I was going to make the weekender bag out of. (See, a butler would have not only organized my sewing room, but would remember EXACTLY where the Krakow fabric was.)
I like the sample. I was a little stunned when I opened the pattern & saw 28 steps . . . but it went quickly and the pictures were helpful. It has inside pockets - one zippers shut - an outside pocket & a top zippered closure for security. Sara's significant other told me it looked like someone spilled bleach on it & made his eyes hurt - that's it, that kid is out of the will!
I'm making another sample, with the Krakow fabrics. I found them in a pile I hadn't seen . . .