Help! I've fallen into Panel Hell and I can't get out!
Not really but that's what it feels like lately. I'm working on two new samples for the shop - both from panels. After Jacob Sails, I swore it would be a long time before I did another quilt from a panel - never say never. Well, I didn't say never, I just said a long time but surely I meant more than two months!
Holly Taylor did a great panel using flowers and hummingbirds.
The colors are different - reds, greens and purples - just the color of the hummingbirds Jim and I sit out on the front porch and watch the feeder I gave Jim for Father's Day last year most summer evenings. We call them the hummingbirds wars as the males dive bomb any other hummer that shows up & thinks it's going to take a quick sip. (The kids think we need to get a life that has more in it than sitting on the porch watching birds!)

It's been sitting in the shop with no one taking much interest in it - hard to see a panel when it's rolled on the bolt! So I took it home, jettsioned my original idea of what to do with it and came up with this. It's not too big, not too small - a nice wall hanging for the summer, or winter when it's too cold for blooms or hummers! (Lori said the name of this kit should be Hummers and Bloomers!) You can see the details on our website by clicking here.
And on my "day off" Monday, I went up to a local distributor to pick up some odds and ends. While I was there, they were rolling Elizabeth Studio's newest line of fabrics onto bolts. It's called Friendship by the Sea and it's a PANEL! A very cute panel, but still a panel.
By the time I was done, they had my order ready to go and I was the first quilt shop to have the fabric! Six bolts have been sitting on the end of my kitchen table - eat there? what??? we don't eat there, we eat at the other end! - waiting for inspiration to strike. It finally did yesterday morning.

I'm not happy with the corners and still might change them. I like the fabric I used, just think that maybe it's getting lost in the overall quilt. A tiny border may go in there sometime today. I still have to write up the pattern, it's on 17 pieces of paper spread all over my cutting table at the moment! Kits should be up on the website & available in the shop tomorrow or Saturday.
So that's what I've been working on - panels. What have you been working on?
Till next time.