he first round of Quilting Is Murder is over so while we wait for the next installment, six of the Killer Shops are offering a great deal on fabric packs to go with Becky Lomasney's Five Yards of Fun Quilt patterns and Terri Thayer's quilt mystery series! This series is one I've enjoyed so much I kept the books to reread. There's three in the series and our blogs will center around one book at a time.
Right now it's the first in Terri's Quilting Mystery series Wild Goose Chase. A snarky national quilting teacher is murdered at a quilt show, a bloody rotary cutter lying beside her. The suspects are many and few! Our heroine is a local shop owner dealing with the unexpected death of her mom, who owned the quilt shop and an underhanded sister-in-law who feels SHE should have been left in charge of the shop. Interesting subplots to go with the murder.
Our fabric packs & patterns are up online - click here - it's pretty neat. We have three patterns and seven fabric packs - you choose a fabric bundle AND you choose the pattern you want to make. The pattern is included in the cost of the kit. The mystery is what you will make with the bundles! Very cool!
So with this book, we're highlighting the Glorious Geese pattern - of course! I'm think the fall batik bundle would be perfect for a "manly" lap quilt. Of course it would also coordinate beautifully with my living room . . .
Enjoy the fun! Pick the fabric, pick the pattern - you solve the mystery and make a quilt!
March 20th is coming! I see signs of spring more and more. The birds are chattering, the robins have stopped huddling up in groups puffed up like round balls of feathers and the daffodils are up on the south side of the shop, one group has buds. Yes, spring is alllllmmmmmmoooooosssssttttt sprung. I'm really hesitant to say it, afraid I'll jinx us and good old Puxatony Phil will have been wrong.
I'm sure my friend Janet who lives in Syracuse NY, where they've had ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY TWO INCHES of snow this winter (their record is 192"), is hoping/wishing/praying for spring even more than I am! I grew up in New England, snow shouldn't bother me. I think it does because almost everything comes to a dead stop here when it snows, in Massachusetts you put your boots on your feet, shoes in a bag and you went about your life snow or no snow.
All the snow this year seems to be never ending. We - fingers crossed - have crossed over into that late winter rain period. We still can't garden but little signs that we can sometime in the near distant future are popping up. So I've decided to garden indoors at the shop!

I've set up a Hoping For Spring SOON display. I must have been on a butterfly kick last spring when I bought not one, not two, not even three but FOUR lines of fabric with butterflies! All are gorgeous, but really four lines? Spring must have been a distant memory when I was buying fabric this fall.
I also decided last fall to do a butterfly theme with QP's shop hop quilt - which I finally finished and hung in the shop this weekend. Ok, ok, I want to put beads in the grass so it looks like dew and I might still add leaves . . .
Anyway, I digress.
We're working on some butterfly samples but we have some luscious, spring colored fabrics to entice you to think spring. Purples, greens, yellows, blues, all bright & cheery - springlike!
Stop in and enjoy a breath of spring!