Growing up in New England, I was spoiled when it came to fall colors. I grew up with vivid oranges, bright reds, yellows and gr

eens and if you looked real hard, there were definitely purples in there too. The Jersey Shore doesn't have the vivid leaf colors of New England but we do have the orange pumpkins and there's something about those freaky looking gourds that I just like! Fall colors are definitely my favorite colors (my "good" livingroom carpet is a burnt orange . . .)
So I have to limit myself to a couple of fall projects every year & I

need to limit the number of orange bolts of fabric I bring in since I seem to like orange much better than most of my customers. This year I found a great brown and green fall leaf print and did up a simple lap quilt showing off the fabric. This quilt will coordinate really well with my "good" (read children not allowed in there when they were growing up) livingroom just like the green and orange one I did last year. I'm going to run out of furniture to put these lap quilts on pretty soon.

I also have too many fall table runners for the number of tables in my house, but that didn't stop me from making this one this year. I saw the fabric and bought multiple bolts. My shopowner friend BrendaLou from Scottie Dog Quilts bought the same fabric and made the same table runner as a sample for her shop - another fall fanatic! I really thought I was making this as a gift for my Mom but somehow I don't think she's going to get it . . .
She's probably not going to get this one either . . .

Judy made this one & I am lusting after it . . . .

There's something about the colors of autumn that just warm me inside. Maybe it's because fall leads up to my favorite holiday - Thanksgiving. I like the garish colors of Halloween too, but those warm, vivid colors of fall just do it for me.
How about you? Are you an fall color fanatic? If so, check out the fall section of our website, we have just the project for you!
Leave a comment on this post before Oct 5th & we'll draw a winner for a fall fat quarter bundle!