What is up with this weather? Snow, rain, sleet, snow again, oh wait it's raining, now it's freezing, etc, etc, etc! All I can say it's made perfect SEW DAYS!
What have you been working on?
As usual, I'm still plugging away on cleaning, organizing and changing around my sewing room but in between doing that, I've been sewing like crazy.

I'm working on the shop hop quilt too- kindof designing on the fly. I know what I want it to look like, just having a hard time getting what's in my head to come out and down to my fingers to cut and sew. I'm a little further along with it than this picture shows and it's getting there but I think there is more ripping in my future! I started out with my squares too big and now have this long skinny thing. Not good. I need to rip and finagle.
I'm also working on the next Stash Attack Quilt, this will be number 6! No pictures yet. And I know I say this every time but I think this one just might be my favorite. It's smaller blocks but they're so danged cute! I'm using the pieces of these cutie blocks as leaders and enders while doing the shop hop quilt.
Do you do that? Work on more than one thing at a time? I do. I tend to get bored with something pretty easily and my mind wanders, then I make mistakes and I'm ripping out. By having a couple of things going at the same time, I don't get bored, it keeps me "sharp". I'm usually designing something in my head while stitching something else, or working out a problem with one project while working on another. The shop hop quilt sat on the design wall for about a week until I figured out what was bothering me about it. And I figured it out while machine quilting the Barnegat Light project.
I'm also working on two projects I started at Kaye's College last month. Both are now sitting while I try to figure out what to do about borders. One I know what I have to do, dang that Karen Montgomery for putting the idea of a pieced border in my head!, I just need time to sit down and do it. It's on the list. The other also needs borders and I need to hurry up with that one since we've cut the kits already! Yikes.
Good thing I work best under pressure - how about you?
Till next time.