In my "real" life I have a BS in Environmental Science & worked in that field after graduating from college. I've been trying to "green" up QP since I opened - long before this welcome new wave of energy efficiency came along. I can argue the paper vs plastic bag discussion on both sides - really we should all be carrying a tote and using that! - and QP has had automatic thermostat controls for years. We recycle, we shut off all computers except the main one when we close - it has to be on for me to connect to it and work from home (hmmm, maybe we should shut that one off too!) - our building is as energy efficient as we can make it with new furnaces and an upgraded air conditioning system.
All this is good for the environment! I remember the energy crisis of the 1970's and sitting in gas lines for what seemed to be forever to my teenage brain. I also remember President Carter,
his sweaters and solar panels on the White House roof. Some of those panels now reside on the cafeteria of my Alma Mata Unity College in Unity Maine. Last time I checked, they were still functioning, although some needed repair. When we were going to build, we had solar on the roof. If the timing & funding is ever right again, panels will go on this roof - and shine right on the nuclear power plant 1/2 mile away!

We will celebrate Earth Day - a couple of days early - at QP by having three Make It Take It workshops on April 9th to make a reusable shopping tote. Cost is $5 and all you need to bring is scissors. You can sign up on the web site www.quiltingpossibilities.net
One thing I've been kicking around with the staff - who think I've gone right over the edge into the tree hugging category - is how to encourage all of you to make a tote and bring it when you shop at QP. We've tossed it around at a staff meeting and haven't come up with any solutions, so I'm asking you for ideas. What would encourage you to use a reusable tote everytime you shop at QP?
Till next time.
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