A conversation right before the first of the year with a group of shop owners I regularly chat with convinced us all we don't do enough for ourselves. That conversation resulted in a new challenge for the year - design and make something for ourselves. We can't teach from it, write a pattern from it, use it as a sample in the store or even use fabric from our stores. We have a deadline of Oct to get our challenges finished. We will meet at Quilt Market in Houston and share our accomplishments with each other.
This discussion, combined with trying to sit cross legged on the floor to peel blue painter's tape from the baseboards of my hallway, convinced me I needed to do something about getting myself back into some type of shape. In my quest to find some type of harmony with my 50 year old body, I've been strength training since the beginning of the year. Now before you get too impressed, I'm only using 4 lbs weights so far! This week's adventure is to go buy dumbells that have adjustable weight plates. That should make for a good blog entry!
Last week I decided to try Yoga. I've had the DVD for at least a year and never even cracked the plastic wrapping. I decided Wed was the day. I did my usual routine and then struggled to remember what remote, what buttons to push on the DVD player AND the TV - could that be anymore of a guy thing???? I was finally rewarded with Oprah's fitness guru introducing the program. He was talking too much so I fast forwarded and pushed the button for the "Go Easy On Me" section of the DVD.
A blonde AMAZON comes on & it takes you a minute to figure out it's a computer image. So not only is she gorgeous and BUILT, she can move like lightning and pretzel herself into all kinds of shapes without one huff or puff. She's snapping out instructions while telling you to relax & breathe deeply - "Feel your breath expand your rib cage".
Right. The only thing expanding is my frustration level! How are you supposed to do that and figure out how to move your body into the positions whose names she is snapping out in a rapid fire method, and see the TV to be able to contort your body into said positions? Thank goodness I pushed the go easy on me section and not the "I Want A Challenge" section! I want a DVD of a middle aged woman in baggy sweats who I can look at & think to myself, if she can do that, so can I. Not some young, hip, FAKE Amazon who is young enough to be my daughter.
Needless to say, my first yoga experience didn't go well. I am off to Barnes and Noble to find a book that explains the position and a better tape. Good thing that the Barnes & Noble is in the same mall as the Sports Authority - I can buy my book, tape and dumbells all in one trip. Of course, I may feel like a dumbell after all the research and then still not be able to follow the yoga tape . . . .
Till next time!
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