Flip Flops

Quilting Possibilities

Quilting Possibilities
Our latest wool bundle - Sunflowers

Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Year's Resolutions And Snow

A new year! Have you made resolutions? Kept any of them yet? Why is it we make all these promises to ourselves and then somehow by mid January they've fallen by the wayside? It's kind of like starting another quilting project before finishing the two you already have going. You know you have to finish that baby quilt for your niece but that new batik lap quilt kit was SOOOO tempting, too tempting and you bought it. (You should count your blessings it was only a kit, when I get tempted it's for a whole line of fabric!)

I don't know about where you live but here at the Jersey shore, we've had a blizzard, a dusting of snow and more snow predicted for today. At this rate, I'll be snowed in long enough to finish up everything I started. Ok, maybe not everything. 

At the moment I only have a doable number of projects started and every single one of them is either a class sample or a sample for the shop - how boring is that?  You'd think with all the fabric, tools, gadgets and patterns at my disposal, I'd at least have something off the charts going on.  Nope - such is the life of a quilt shop owner.

Ok, stashed away in a far corner of my mind are some redwork projects I'm designing.  I'm horrified to tell you one has been in the "working on it" stage for about 6 years.  I've done two samples, you'd think I'd write the pattern and finish the danged thing would you?

So that will be my New Year's resolution - besides the usual one to lose weight - I WILL finish this redwork pattern before the shop's birthday bash in June.  

What's your new year's sewing resolution going to be?  Join me and let's get some UFO's FINISHED!

Till next time.

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