Home again from Quilt Market in Houston. I can't decide if I need a vacation or if I'm too revved for one! Quilt Market is a brain drain - there is so much to see, so much to do, so much to take in - and only three days to do it all!
They're turning the old parking lot in front of the George Brown Convention Center into a gorgeous park. Karen and I walked it in the 90 degree heat with 95% humidty - very sticky!

The crowds waited impatiently outside the doors.
And then they were opened & market was on! The lady in the front booth was still using her ladder to put up last minute touches.
This is a kit that will be coming in February, depending upon the rainy season in Bali where the batiks are made. It is GORGEOUS!
Here's Karen Snyder's fabric display in the Timeless Treasures booth. (she was sewing the buttons on the red one the night we all got there!)
These two lovely ladies are my fall market roommates - we did manage to get some sleep.
This is a block of the month that will start in March 2010. I saw it the first day & promised myself that if I still loved it on Monday, I would buy it. I liked it more every time I saw it, so I ordered it!
And Jessica Hudson, a long time customer, had a photograph in an exhibit entitled "Eye of the Quilter". Congratulations Jess!
More pictures later, I really should be doing paperwork . . . .
Why-ya, Why-ya!!
Hey, look closely at the bird's eye view of market - that's you sitting at the Hoffman booth!
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