Flip Flops

Quilting Possibilities

Quilting Possibilities
Our latest wool bundle - Sunflowers

Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's almost Christmas!

How did that happen? The last time I wrote in this blog it was July! Where the heck has time gone?

I'm waiting for the kids to start arriving home for Christmas. James M heads home tonight, Jeremy heads home tomorrow night and Sara and Brian will be here as soon as the food hits the table - no matter what day it is!

I'm working on a new pattern for the Quilt Shops Gallery http://www.quiltgalleryshops.com/ Be sure to go to the website and check out our challenge! Eleven shop owners, eleven quilts!

This is Martha's Sea Stars - my first quilt for the Quilt Gallery.

This is my basket quilt called Spring Baskets - really orginal name! - and my second quilt of the series.

The next quilt is a Corn & Beans Quilt that I wanted to call Natural Gas but decided that my sense of humor wouldn't be shared by all, so it's called Flowers in the Corn and Beans.
Our next quilt is Jacob's Ladder. I just ordered the fabric for it form Timeless Treasures and it will be a really neat nautical quilt - very masculine! Stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

We did move a few things around in the store yesterday - 13 1/2 hours worth! At 10:30 pm I said ENOUGH & we left the rest until this morning.

Note to self - never move the Isacord thread rack again!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Quilting Possibilities Times

Welcome to my blog! I hope to tell you about what's going on at the shop, random thoughts I have about quilting, new things that have come into the store, the joys & trails of owning a quilt shop & who knows what else! Grab a cup of coffee & visit for a few minutes.

Jim & I are headed to the store this morning to work - it's Monday and our "day off" - to work with the electrician putting in the rest of the lights. The spot lights we added last week really light up the samples along the outer walls. What a difference! And the flannel section is no longer a darker space than the rest of the store.

We are also planning on moving around the front of the store. I am hoping that doesn't get done today because after being off all yesterday, I am feeling especially lazy & just want to poke around in my garden at home.

Another thing to do at the store - water the pots of flowers out front! They add great color but next on the to do list is an outside faucet for the gardens!

Enjoy your day! It's gorgeous at the Jersey shore.